The world youth congress, an event that brings young people all over the world together which aims to inspire them to initiate youth – led development projects, motivate them to take action in solving global issues by getting involved in decision making, policy making irrespective of race,gender,religion or interest, create a platform for youths to share ideas and experience ganerned from their respective projects which could lead to sustainable collaboration that can help not just in solving localized problems but also global issues which will imbibe in the youths the idea to think locally and act globally with a view to affect the immediate community as well as the world.
Istanbul, the city that represents tolerance and peace with a variety of cultures in its midst is the 2010 city of culture played host to over 1000 of the most active young people from 147 countries for the 5th world youth congress which took place from July 31 to August 13. The congress had previously been hosted by great cities around the world which include Hawaii (1999), morocco (2003), Scotland (2005), Quebec (2007). Istanbul prides itself in it’s rich history and thousands of years of civilization which gave all participants an unforgetable experience, moreso the theme of the congress “imece” which has specific importance in the Turkish culture for many centuries and it’s key qualities such as solidarity, togetherness and volunteerism are just as relevent in todays world.
The World Youth Congress is organized by an organization known as Peace Child International (; a UK Based Educational Charity with a network of more than 1,500 affiliate groups in over 180 countries. Peace Child International was closely supported this year by the E-genclik Association (, the Turkish Ministry of Education, Istanbul Youth Assembly and a host of other notable organizations.
I attended the congress as a young educator,young educators are young people that are passionate about raising awareness and empower their peers and their communities through both formal and non-formal education.They all came to share experiences, learn new methods and ideas and see how to be more effective and relevant.
I facilitated two workshops “building lives” and “clarion call”during the congress,ran an exhibition session and also played a key role during the action project which gave delegates the oppoortunity to turn their words into action.
1. Building lives
The workshop was aimed at teaching participants leadership skills to empower them to undertake youth-led developments initiatives. It further stressed the need to aquire these qualities which are essential in initiating developmental projects aside the drive and desire which is fundamental.
2. Clarion call
The event was a wake up call to participating youths and youths all over the world to stand up and take action in tackling global issues by getting involved in decision and policy making, and furthermore inspire youths to use mediums such as entertainment to help achieve the set goals.
I was priviledged to showcase my projects and initiatives to participants during the exhibition sessions where i was i allocated a stand. I shared experiences from past projects,interacted with delegates that came around on how to work more effectively and also shared ideas on future projects. I exhibited my previous projects on HIV/AIDS, women and youth empowerment, youth sexual and reproductive health.
During the congress, participants were fortunate to carry out community development projects another city in Turkey. The action project was for 4 days where i worked with some other local volunteers to help paint some elementary schools, landscape the environment of the schools and also plant flowers in the schools. We were also priviledged to visit historic sites in the community and also the Black sea (kara deniz).
During the congress delegates were opportuned to -
Go on a boat cruz
Visit to Aya Irini for musical concert
Witness the Brouhaha carnival
Sultan Ahmet Tour
Taksim square
On the last day of the congress, I and some other Nigerian delegates paid a courtesy visit to the Nigerian Ambassador at the Nigerian misssion in Ankara, Turkey; Ambassador Ahmed Abdulhamid Mallamadori. We were able to brief him on our activities at the congress and furthermore seek his support in making the voices of every Nigerian youth heard by helping in advocating for more youth involvement in politics,policy making in Nigeria.The Ambassador was delighted to recieve us and was encouraging by assuring that there will be more youth involvement which he emphasized its importance in te growth of the country.
One of te major outcomes of the regional meetins in the 5th world youth congress is the creation of Istanbul action plan, which will be presented to all Youth Ministers gathering in Mexico.The congress also focused on monitoring and evaluation of youth-led developments.As a result of this process a tool kit will be put together which aims to further professionalise youth-led development projects.
“With 1.3 billion young people (age 15 – 24), now living in developing countries – the largest ever youth group in history – there is a critical need to invest in youth at this time. A failure to train them more effectively for the workplace, and to be active citizens, could lead to widespread disillusionment and social tensions (world development report 2007: Development and the Next Generation, The World Bank)”.
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